Wildwood Arts is a company that specializes in returning your home and furniture to its most beautiful and rejuvenated state.  These services include wood and furniture repair, scratch and gouge repair, antique and art restoration, moisturizing, repair of plasters and other materials.  We can also help upgrade your home with custom faux applications, decorative wall finishes and murals.


We have a wide variety of decorative wall finishes to uniquely customize any space. From subtle to stunning, vintage to contemporary, we have customizable finishes for any style.  We use only the highest quality products to create a beautiful and long lasting look. A small collection of photo samples are viewable on this website.


Wildwood Arts has been operating in Telluride, Colorado for 10 years and is pleased to announce these services are now available on the Big Island of Hawaii.  While these two locations are the primary areas of operation, please feel free to contact us with questions about your customized estimate regardless of location.